a place for overexposure of children

I'm shooting a project about the interaction of high school students with the realities of learning during a pandemic.

 It so happened that at the age of seventeen I dropped out of school, and then returned there as an adult. I needed to look at the system from a different perspective. Probably, to briefly express my experience — the school is too quiet without children.

 The photo project reflects a portrait of the most ordinary Russian school as a place. A composite image that has absorbed the history of personality formation. At the end of the 19th century, the state needed to get as many workers as possible who could count and write primitively, while poorly perceiving «superfluous» information. The main thing is to be able to work on machines, perform long monotonous work and not ask unnecessary questions. The school of the Soviet period focused on exact sciences, because there was a high need for engineers during the active development of technological progress. It was important that a person received a comprehensive education. At the same time, most of the knowledge had to be memorized. Now everyone has Google, anyone can find information on the Internet in a couple of minutes. Nevertheless, children continue to be required to memorize, focus on the exact sciences and adapt people to work that does not require a special creative approach. Now that the school has been quarantined, the situation has become even more grotesque. All students should sit in the same small classroom, without intersecting with other children. Each movement takes place at a strictly defined time under the careful supervision of the teacher.   

Now a school in Russia is more like a place for overexposure of children.
